Payment Gateway Security Testing

Payment Gateway Security Testing

What Are My Integration Options? Integration to our system is done via coding to our web service API. 2. What Happens If Your Systems Are Unavailable? In the unlikely event that our systems (or those of the banks) go down, you will be alerted directly and advised accordingly. As such it is not a direct request-response transaction flow, and must be coded differently. Our technical team will provide login details and training on the system during integration. Security is beyond that. You design a page that resides on your web server that securely obtains all the required cardholder information (this page must be SSL encrypted), which in turn is submitted to us by calling the appropriate web service method. It’s not just about security reports and open ports. The assessment is conducted by top notch offensive security experts. We don’t stop with Penetration testing. Our expertise in offensive security and experience in handling over 100 clients helps us identify the best security practices for your business. We hand hold the customers to fix the identified vulnerabilities. Do You Provide Sample Code For 3-D Secure™ And Non 3-D Secure™ transactions? Yes. Our fees are structured on an hourly basis, and are tailored to meet each merchant’s individual requirements. The extent of these costs relates directly to assisting you to implement our API. More than Just Penetration testing The era of penetration testing is gone! 95% of Vulnerabilities floating around are application level vulnerabilities. Once this is implemented, and all user training is complete, you will (subject to bank written confirmation that your merchant accounts are open) be ready to go-live. It’s beyond Penetration testing. Leverages identified vulnerabilities Identified vulnerabilities are further enumerated to check if we can attack your core competencies. We rely on real hackers through our attack matrices, not just tools. What Are The Differences Between 3-D Secure™ And Non 3-D Secure™ integrations? Although 3-D Secure™ and non-3-D Secure™ transactions share many of the same parameters, the process flows of the two transaction types are quite different, and therefore the implementation methods also vary. We rely on offensive security experts Traditional Vulnerability assessment is done using tools both proprietary and open source. Does One Integration Mean I Can Access All Your Acquiring Banks? From a technical integration perspective, yes, but from a business standpoint, no. Comprehensive reports, offensive security methodology, Support. Our assessments are advanced and offensive. Detailed classification of vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities are further classified based on client’s line of business and business critical data.

Payment Gateway Security Testing


Our integration staff is very experienced and able to manage and guide merchants across many variables. It is the technology that connects all parties involved in the payment process, namely the merchant, the Acquiring banks, the Card Associations (Visa and MasterCard) and the consumer’s bank (known as the card Issuer). Once you have signed our payment gateway agreement you will be given access to the relevant API to review. 90% web applications we tested had at least one critical bug. Hence, you find false positives in the reports and lack of proof of concepts. We rely on our offensive security experts and their intuitive skills. This is payable to us on bank approval and once the technical process is initiated, you will receive an invoice for immediate remittance. As business and systems are dynamic, it is important that you retain a technical resource, who is capable of supporting your business. In addition, we offer merchants the opportunity to process 3-D Secure™ authentication only transactions. Unusual tests Upon request, we perform unusual tests like DOS, Social engineering and Zero days. Once testing to this platform is completed satisfactorily, you will receive a live Merchant ID (MID) from us, along with a processing password, and will be asked to make the appropriate changes to your code to point your systems to our production platform. How Long Does It Take To Integrate? Timescales depend very much on how much of a priority merchants give to integration, and the experience of their technical teams. What Are The Integration Costs? From us, there is just a one-time integration fee that will be agreed at proposal stage. Your technical staff will also need to be able to write scripts or develop programmes for your web server to provide the necessary integration. After the initiation of the engagement, Entersoft shall follow the following methodology for Advance web application penetration testing Payment gateway testing We test the resilience of your payment gateway configuration. The key difference is that the transaction flows through the cardholder’s browser as it is a requirement by the card industry that the cardholder’s browser has direct access to their Issuing bank’s server when entering their 3-D Secure™ password. If we can help, a Project Plan and costs will be made available for your consideration and sign-off ahead of the start of any consulting work. Given payment processing is a 24-hour business, you can expect the highest levels of support from all of our teams. A 3-D Secure™ transaction is substantially more involved, which is why the implementation of this method is different. The integration options will be dictated by the type of processing and services that your business requires. Do You Have An API? Yes.

Payment Gateway Security Testing


You can reach our technical team via Vulnerability Management Our attack vector helps you identify maximum vulnerabilities. What Is The Integration Process, And What Do I Need To Do To Test? During the integration process, which begins once the bank(s) has confirmed they wish to accept your online business for merchant acquiring, you will be connecting to our test platform, provided to allow you to test code thoroughly without having to perform live transactions. Do You Offer A Service Level Agreement (SLA)? Yes. Security standards Though our assessments are offensive in nature, we adhere to leading industry standards like OWASP, WASP etc based on customer requirements. Do You Offer Technical Consulting Assistance, And How Much Does It Cost? In certain circumstances we are able to extend a fee-based consulting contract to assist you. You can access the team anytime via No false positives and we provide proof of concepts with images. You will be assigned a lead technical resource, who is available to you via phone and e-mail throughout the entire integration, testing and training process. What Environment/Systems Do I Need To Have In Place To Be Able To Integrate To You? All you need is a web server that is Internet facing that you are able to write scripts on that can be used to call our payment gateway API for transaction processing purposes. A non-3-D Secure™ transaction is fairly straightforward. Is Testing Carried Out In A Production Environment? Once our technical team has agreed that the systems are ready, final testing on your live MIDS is carried out between us and you in a secure production environment, to ensure all processes are working in accordance with our API, and to confirm that settlement can be received into your direct merchant accounts at the chosen bank(s). We handhold the customers on fixing the bugs. It is a normal synchronous request-response process flow between our platform and your servers. Every case is different, and we would need to discuss your requirements once the business development team has received approval from the banks and the integration process begins. Offensive in nature We perform real attacks that are targeted manual attacks from hackers. We also provide an emergency 24 x 7 x 365 pager and emergency support, and details will be provided during the integration process. In our case, merchants need to integrate to our platform to be able to carry out online transactions that they want to settle to one of the banks that we work with. We go beyond the standards. We don’t just classify the bugs into critical, high, medium and low vulnerabilities, we go beyond that. It does not extend to providing in-depth developer and consulting support outside of the framework of our API. Our Penetration testing methodology is advanced and we test for unorthodox attacks like DOS, DDOS etc. Try our advanced website security testing for lasting web application security Overview Methodology Why our assessment is advanced? Why Entersoft? Website security breach can put you in a difficult situation Our offensive security approach lets you focus on your growth while we take care of your website security.

Payment Gateway Security Testing


These transactions are not in any way authorised, but are used to ensure that the user of the card is indeed the owner of the card by requiring the 3-D Secure™ password to be entered. If We Don’t Have The Technical Expertise, Will Your Team Complete My Integration For Me? Generally, no. Our coverage is primarily the manual coverage. Beyond standards Though we adhere to OWASP top 10, WASC class standards, we don’t just stick to standards. Final testing will be closely monitored with you to ensure your code changes are correct. For you to access all the banks that we work with, you will need to have received approval from each Acquirer BEFORE you are authorized to process transactions via our payment gateway to that bank. What Are The Terms? The terms of our SLA are confidential to each merchant based on their processing requirements. Manual offensive attacks A tool is as good as the person executing it. What Kind Of Testing Is Done In A Production Environment? Full end-to-end testing that includes captures, refunds, reversals and settlement. Once I Am Integrated, What Transaction Options Do I Have? 3-D Secure™ authorization only, authorization and capture, authentication only or previously authenticated Non- 3-D Secure™ authorization only, or authorization and capture AVS verification only Capture Reversal Refund Verify transaction status Ukash What About Obtaining Transaction Reports? A complete range of transaction reports are available via our secure web service. Reports with detailed analysis We provide comprehensive reports with detailed bug analysis. Our web application security testing is advanced. The test platform mimics the production environment in many ways. What Integration Support Can I Expect To Receive? Once you business has been approved by the Acquiring banks, the business development team will make the appropriate introductions to our technical staff. What Technical Expertise Will I Need To Provide? To integrate to us, your developers must be able to provide client side security for receiving cardholder information (credit card number, expiry date etc), as well as being able to connect to us using HTTPS to pass information using SSL. If you have a requirement for technical support, please let our business development teams know at the bank approval process stage. We provide code context remediation techniques.

Why Do I Have To Integrate? The payment gateway is the conduit that enables online transactions to take place between a consumer and a merchant. Accordions 1. You send us the required parameters, via our web service, and our payment gateway returns a response back to you to action accordingly (for example redirect your customers to a purchase successful or purchase unsuccessful page). As one of the innovative penetration testing companies in India and having secured over 150+ diverse web applications, Entersoft’s offensive security experts not only secure your web application but help you fix the identified vulnerabilities through best practices. Also, an assessment is as good as the person deploying the tool. 3. What Does Your Integration Fee Cover? The fee covers the time and resources required from us to advise and guide your teams through the integration process. Do You Provide Ongoing Technical Support? Yes, our technical team is available via phone and e-mail during normal work hours. We educate you. Can I See Your API Before My Business Is Approved By Your Banks? Possibly, but we must have a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement in place. Our gameplan is different for different lines of businesses. They will forward on a merchant questionnaire, that acts as an agenda for a conference call, to initiate the integration process.

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